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5 ways to have an eco-friendly Easter

April 12, 2022 • By joy asfar

Discover our forward tips for a conscious Easter: from natural dyes to second-hand basket, everyone will find an inspiring idea. Happy Easter!

Pick a second-hand easter basket

Make sure to avoid plastic basket and rather than buying a new one, consider looking for a second-one in your local thrift shop or a vintage shop. You can also add some decoration with nice bows made from left over fabric!  Be creative!

Try natural dyes for Easter eggs

We all love dying eggs for Easter with friends or with kids,  it’s always a fun and creative moment. However, many store-bought dyes are full of chemicals bad for you and the environment. Instead try natural dyes from fruit, vegetables and spices (check the image for inspiration).
To use natural ingredients: boil 1. quart of water with 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and simmer for 30 minutes. Then, cool, strain the dye and let the eggs soak for at least 30 minutes.

Pick organic or fair-trade chocolate

We all know that Easter is also synonym of chocolate. Make sure to consider purchasing chocolate that is either organic, fair-trade or locally produced. You can easily find options at your local grocer. Just make sure to read the labels.

Compost eggshells

You will have a lot more eggshells than usual. Don’t throw these out: compost or if you don’t have a composting system at home, crush up the shells and use them as a great cheap fertiliser for your garden!

Avoid food waste

You’ll get tired of hard-boiled eggs but instead try out some recipes to incorporate eggs in a new way. Check ideas for recipes.